Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Last month I took a huge step and start living healthy. I work out (Boxing, blogilates, jogging, etc.) at least 4 times a week and I am also trying to eat clean. But once in awhile I treat myself and indulge on sinful foods, yes, I have a cheat day! In most of my cheat days I always crave for sweets and I found one that I think would definitely go on my list of favorite treats! 

"Jarred" is what this product is called and obviously because it's in a jar. A very convenient packaging for when you want to bring it to places. It's perfect for students like me since I am constantly either at school or running errands for school. 

What I like most about this is it has fruits in it so it makes me feel like not cheating at all. It's super delicious and a very satisfying snack. 

I believe there are 2 other flavors available but for me, this one is the winner.

Be yourself!