Monday, August 31, 2015

One of the Lost Boys

Can we first address the fact that I look like I'm going to bed. Yeah, but I can't help it though. There were plenty of activities scheduled for the day and I just want to be as comfy as I could be and true enough I didn't complain one bit (which is saying a lot since I'm with my brothers and they're hella energetic).

I did get a lot of looks here and there but I didn't mind it. I actually felt good about it because for a very long time I have been dressing for the society. I tried my best to be wholesome (not that this outfit is not) and decent with the way I dress even if it means putting a limit on my creativity. I know now that whether it's a bad thing or a good thing it's kind of nice to get those what-is-she-wearing-looks, because it means that I'm standing out and that's good enough for me.

Shirt dress // Thrifted
Shoes // Jack Purcell
Bag // Coach
Shorts(not seen) // Hongkong

Have a nice day